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Almost all online investment programs have something in common: All are ponzi schemes. Money from new investors will be used to pay senior investors. It is very easy to understand that when the flow of new investors stops, the program collapses. Also after a while a ponzi scheme will require more and more new investors. These programs do not sell products or services: Owners are receiving money from person A and paying a percentage to person B. Actually a ponzi scheme has the philosophy: "Rob Peter (the new investor) to pay Paul (the senior investor)." A ponzi scheme has a simple but smart structure: Some members will receive payments and will spread the word that program "really" pays. Come, join & lose money!

Theoretically PTC stands for "Paid To Click". A PTC is (theoretically again) a program which creates a middle man connection: Advertisers are buying traffic and members are earning money visiting advertisers' websites. Here we can see the main disadvantage of a PTC: Members are forced to visit websites and are clicking only for money, not because are interested.  This is the reason why PTC is a failed business model and that's why PTC sites are destined to scam. Traffic quality from PTC sites is extremely low. Only if an advertiser wants to boost alexa ranking of his site will buy PTC traffic.

Actually PTC stands for Ponzi To sCam. The majority of PTC sites will live for a few weeks or months only. That's because advertisers will not buy so expensive advertising packages, when it is known that traffic quality is very low. Self sponsored ads and fake referrals - aka bots - is the only solution...

PTC sites have as only target to take advantage of some people's hope of easy gain. Don't forget that money does not grow on trees - that would be nice though!
"The more you invest the more you'll earn" can be a good manipulating slogan. Most clickers are underage and it is easy to trick them, since an underage person has almost no experience in real life. If you are an underage person STOP clicking and quit PTC sites right now. And don't forget that you must be at least 18 years old in order to be eligible to create a Alertpay/Paypal account.

PTC Sites are nothing more than ponzi schemes. And all ponzi schemes - no exceptions here - have a very painful death, for the investors of course.

We can say that there are two categories of PTC sites:
i) Bux sites: Sites paying more than $0.005/click with 50+% ref bonus. These programs are total scams. Traffic quality is extremely low, since everyone - owners and members - is interested only in referrals. Usually ads (only self sponsored, no one will pay $10+/1000 clicks) in a bux site are other bux sites with the ref link of the owner. Each time you receive payment from a bux another member (yes, someone like you) loses the same amount of money.

ii) Aurora sites: Sites paying $0.001-$0.0025 with 20%-40% ref bonus. Most of them have high payout, sometimes $5+. That's why most members will quit, because no one wants to click 6 months for $5. And that's why these programs can survive even and for years. Traffic quality from aurora sites is still low (aurora are using non-friendly advertiser scripts too), forcing owners to use self sponsored ads, although some advertisers will buy traffic. That's because prices are lower, ~$3/1000. Aurora sites are unstable too, but in comparison with bux sites the ratio is 1:10.000.000, meaning that aurora are closer to the acronym PTC. That does not mean that an aurora cannot turn into scams. The only difference here is that a bux will go scam in 2-3 months (average) and aurora in some cases can last for years. Best example is theclickers.net, which lasted ~3 years.

So, are all PTC programs scams? The answer is no. With the hard competition, which is a result of the easiness anyone (even and without the necessary knowledge/funds) can start a PTC, potential earnings are extremely low and do not worth our time. If you want to join a PTC program, do it just for fun. Avoid bux sites and join auroras only. But don't expect to earn serious cash, just a few dollars per month.


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