Chapter 5: Who is Who
5.1 Admins
In most cases of bux sites we have to deal with rude persons, without marketing knowledge or knowledge of how GPT programs must work. A possible reason is that this type of admin is a KID! Most of them don't know/want to modify a script! The 99.99% bux site admins are big big big scammers. The recipe is simple: Warez, Gen or buxhost script -> a free and good looking template (optional) -> cheap (or free) host & domain -> ready to scam. No need for initial capital or business plans... In rare cases we'll meet an admin who does not know even to add two or more numbers. As a result site has more referrals available for sale than its total members!
Running a real PTC is not easy, that's why most admins will choose the ponzi solution.
Rudeness, threats and lies are on daily basis. Pay them instantly, don't talk, kiss their *** and you may get paid after some months. If you are lucky and meanwhile your favorite trusted admin will not run away with your money. And yes, most admins believe that all members are retards. Some of them really are; usually their award is the word "Moderator" in sites' forums.
"No, we do not sell bots."
But we have a magic secret, that's why we have tons of 500 ref packs available everyday!
"We have access to millions/we are very strong. Click here to donate."
PTC, a charity foundation: please donate admin is so close to buy a playstation/motorbike/car/house. PTC donators are the definition of a retard. Tons of examples: Donate Pic 1, Donate Pic 2, Donate Pic 3, Donate Pic 4 LOL, Donate Pic 5
"New trusted [site], from trusted admin"
The word trust means nothing when we are talking about PTC sites. The last "trusted" admin died with and
"You are not allowed to violate our TOS - we are."
Terms like: "You are not an employee of [site] and you are not an independent contractor for [site]. We simply create a middle-man connection from the advertiser to the consumer." and at the same time admin requires personal info such as id, phone number, utility bills etc!
"We're proud to scam you". (Official announcement)
Best example was, a crappy buxhost site. After site died (it was very unsustainable), admin started...!! Luckily lenkaclix3 never came...
Underage admins will scam soon, because alertpay and paypal does business only with adults, obviously. Sometimes kiddies are creating an alertpay/paypal account using mom's or dad's personal data. But when mommy or daddy discovers what her/his naughty boy/girl did, account suddenly "freezes" and also internet connection stops. Also mommy is pissed because your "trusted" admin wasn't doing his/her homework!
Aurora admins because are running more stable programs, usually do not behave like bux admins. But this does not mean that an aurora admin can't be an as***le.
5.2 Retards
5.2.1 *** kissers
These members are paid per lick and not per click: *** kissers usually are mods or administrators in forums of bux sites. Actually their head is "buried" in admin's ***. Benefits: Faster payments, free referrals/bots even and a monthly wage. Sometimes are acting like they are owners and threating members. Acting like idiots and trying to defend a scam in PTC forums is another duty of *** kissers(Click for Example 1 or Example 2). Finally, slandering members (Example) who are posting the truth and facts about their favorite site is included too. That's why all members hate *** kissers. Don't worry it is easy to spot them: They alwayz spam forums with useless *** kissing posts. And stay far away, *** kissers are mentally disturbed, because are being exposed in several "dangerous" gases.
5.2.2 Big investors
Big investors, are the suckers who bought hundreds even and thousands of bots and believed that big payments are waiting for them! Some of them may receive some payments. With the hot instant cash they pay, they are "feeding" their favorite ponzi scheme (call me PTC here), helping other, "small", members to receive payments. Crewbux and thinkbux had a top 10 of retards. #1 bought more than 25.000 referrals and lost more than $20.000 (Crewbux top10). #7 & #8 are also big retards: almost $0 payments, both lost more than $30.000.
Although big investors have been warned several times that bots will not give them profit, they insist on investing. "We prefer bots, because are more active than real humans", "Thank you admin for selling us bots, you are the best", "We don't care if our refs are bots or humans as long as they click". Actually these guys deserve to lose money.
In many cases big investors (when they realize that chances to receive payment are low) will kiss admin's *** as many times it is necessary. Click for an example
5.3 Cheaters
Kiddies and pathetic "adults" following the same tested recipe: Buy referrals, receive payments and then open a dispute in payment processor. That's why paypal blocked almost all PTC sites. Another recipe is "ref deal cheating". Make an offer (be my ref, I'll pay you $x/100 clicks, or exchange sites) and of course don't pay/click. Cheating in downline builders is also a "good" recipe. However these guys are stealing only a few bucks, while "trusted" admins thousands of dollars.
5.4 "Whining for a penny" members
No, these members are not cheaters or *** kissers. But people who believed that crappy PTC sites will pay them. Active clickers, were clicking for weeks in order to reach minimum payout, but before they ask for payment, "suddenly" site turned to scam. Result: Whines in forums for a few bucks. Soon these members will realize that PTC is "too good to be true".
5.5 Rest members
Me and you. Unfortunately, we discoverd PTC sites and tried to earn some money. Some of us invested and lost money. Others earned. At least we have learned how to deal with online investing programs (yep, stay far away!). Personally I wish I hadn't discovered PTC sites, although I did not lose money. Remember: Almost all Online Investment Programs = Ponzi Schemes
Fun post :)
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